Is My Child Just Bad – Or Does He Have A Conduct Disorder – Defenses & Sentencing In Colorado Juvenile Law Cases
By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Juvenile Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer – Email the Author [email protected]
Is My Child Just Bad – Or Does He Have A Conduct Disorder – Defenses & Sentencing In Colorado Juvenile Law Cases – Many Colorado parents whose children are charged in Colorado juvenile court are in the frustrating position of defending their children from the harsh consequences of their actions and teaching them to learn from their mistakes by attempting rehabilitation through the court system.

Is My Child Just Bad – Or Does He Have A Conduct Disorder – Defenses & Sentencing In Colorado Juvenile Law Cases
This multi-part article addresses the role of so called conduct disorders in helping to mitigate serious juvenile criminal acts and seeking compassion, understanding, and treatment – not punishment – from the Colorado Juvenile Justice System.
Does My Child Have A Conduct Disorder And Was It The Reason Why He Committed This Crime?
Conduct disorder causes children to violate the personal or property rights of others over and over. The diagnosis includes symptoms exist for 6 months or longer.
There are different types of conduct disorders. One well known preliminary disorder is “disruptive behavior disorder“ another is “oppositional defiance disorder.” A child that remains hostile and defiant for at least 6 months qualifies these disorders as a precursor of the more serious diagnosis of “conduct disorder.”
“Conduct disorder” then is defined as a “group” of behavioral and emotional problems in younf people.
Parents aware of oppositional defiant disorder may see certain characteristics in their child begin to appear in their preschool years. Years later this behavior can evolve into conduct disorder.
Conduct Disorder: What Are The Signs?
- Aggressive behavior that harms or threatens other people or animals;
- Destructive behavior that damages or destroys property;
- Lying or theft, deceitfulness;
- Truancy or other serious violations of rules;
- Early tobacco, alcohol, and substance use and abuse; and
- Precocious sexual activity.
- Depression, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and suicide;
- Academic difficulties;
- Poor relationships with peers or adults;
- Sexually transmitted diseases;
- Difficulty staying in adoptive, foster, or group homes; and
- Higher rates of injuries, school expulsions, and problems with the law.
- Often stays out at night despite parental objections
- Runs away from home
- Often truant from school
Children who exhibit these behaviors should receive a comprehensive mental health evaluation. Many children with a conduct disorder may have coexisting conditions such as mood disorders,
These Children Need Therapy – Not Punishment
First and foremost conduct disorder is a psychiatric disorder, not just bad behavior.
Society often views children with mental health disorders as “bad” or “delinquent,” rather than having a mental illness. They ignore or fail to take into account brain damage, child abuse, genetic vulnerability, school failure, and traumatic life experiences.
It has been shown that children with Conduct Disorder can be helped by a combination of cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy and while there may not be a specific medication for the treatment of conduct disorder, medication prescribed for other conditions can impact and reduce conduct disorder.
Psychotherapy in this area works – Psychotherapy and behavioral therapy may take long periods of time, and often require that the entire family and support network of the child enter the “loop” of treatment. It is long and hard – but it is worth it.
All of us should be on the alert for CD – the earlier the condition is diagnosed, the more likely the therapy will succeed.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) And Conduct Disorder
CBT Works On CD – because:
Is the most evidence-based form of psychotherapy.
Is active, problem focused, and goal directed. In contrast to many “talk therapies,”
CBT emphasizes the present, concentrating on what the problem is and what steps are needed to alleviate it.
Is easy to measure. (Example – changing behaviors and other measurable outcomes).
Provides quick results if the child is motivated to change.
Conduct Disorder CAN Involve Violence – What Are The Risk Factors Include?
A history of violent victimization or involvement
Attention deficits, hyperactivity, or learning disorders
A history of early aggressive behavior
An Involvement with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco
IQ Issues
Poor behavior control
Deficits in social cognitive or information- processing abilities
High emotional distress
History of treatment for emotional problems
Antisocial beliefs and attitudes
Exposure to conflict in the family
Some Peer – School Risk Factors Include:
An association with delinquent peers
The involvement in gangs
Social rejection by peers
Lack of involvement in conventional activities
Poor academic performance
Low commitment to school and school failure
Protective Factors – To Prevent Violence
Protective factors are factors that act as “buffers” to the likelihood for violence and can assist the criminal defense lawyer to persuade the DA and the Court to give a child a chance to get better.
The Individual Protective Factors Are:
An intolerant attitude toward deviance
A high IQ or high grade point average
A positive social orientation
Involvement in religion
Family Protective Factors Are:
A connectedness to family or adults outside of the family
The ability to discuss problems with parents
A perceived parental expectations about school performance are high
Frequent shared activities with parents
The consistent presence of parent when awakening, arriving home from school, at evening mealtime, or when going to bed
An involvement in social activities
Peer Or School Protective Factors Are:
A commitment to school
The involvement in social activities
Summary – Educating Yourself About Conduct Disorder
For some children – so called “bad behavior” is the of a conduct disorder. These children are acting out because they are in need of treatment not punishment. Parents and guardians need to look for signs of the disorder at a very young age before acting out becomes criminal behavior.
The goal then is to identify the issues – obtain the diagnosis – and begin treatment when it is clear to all that a “persistent pattern” emerges the is internally based and not normal growing up pains. There is evidence that the MRI’s of children with CD establish their brains work differently from other children and that the dangers they face – to themselves and others – if left untreated – can end badly.
Is My Child Just Bad – Or Does He Have A Conduct Disorder – Defenses & Sentencing In Colorado Juvenile Law Cases
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H. Michael Steinberg has over 40 years of experience in the Colorado Criminal Law area of .. .in Denver, Arapahoe, Douglas, and All Counties along the Front Range of Colorado.
Never stop fighting – never stop believing in yourself and your right to due process of law.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: H. Michael Steinberg – Email The Author at [email protected] – A Denver Colorado Juvenile Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer – or call his office at 303-627-7777 during business hours – or call his cell if you cannot wait and need his immediate assistance – 720-220-2277.
If you are charged with A Colorado crime or you have questions about the topic of this article – Is My Child Just Bad – Or Does He Have A Conduct Disorder – Defenses & Sentencing In Colorado Juvenile Law Cases , please call our office. The Law Offices of H. Michael Steinberg, in Denver, Colorado, provide criminal defense clients with effective, efficient, intelligent and strong legal advocacy. We can educate you and help you navigate the stressful and complex legal process related to your criminal defense issue.
H. Michael Steinberg, is a Denver, Colorado criminal defense lawyer with over 40 years of day to day courtroom experience – specializing in Colorado Criminal Law along the Front Range. He will provide you with a free initial case consultation to evaluate your legal issues and to answer your questions with an honest assessment of your options. Remember, it costs NOTHING to discuss your case. Call now for an immediate free phone consultation.
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