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    Dec 31

    2018 Changes To Juvenile Sexting Laws In Colorado 18-7-109 & 18-6-403 By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Juvenile Crimes  Criminal Defense Lawyer – Attorney 2018 Changes To Juvenile Sexting Laws In Colorado – On January 1, 2018 Juveniles who are eligible to be prosecuted for sexting will benefit from a new law that introduces a more reasoned approach to the act of sexting – House Bill 17-1302. Juvenile “sexting” is teenagers sending and receiving nude photos of … Read The Rest

    May 31

    Juveniles held in custody in Colorado have the same freedoms taken from them as the adults in the neighboring courtrooms. However for years they were denied the right to a court appointed lawyer to help them assert their constitutional rights. Now that has all changed. May 30, 2014, Children and teens who are in custody and charged with Colorado crimes, are entitled to a lawyer whenever they face a judge such as the critically important detention … Read The Rest

    Mar 25

    By H. Michael Steinberg – Colorado Juvenile Criminal Defense Lawyer – Email the Author at [email protected] Colorado Juvenile Defense – What To Do When Your Child Is Under Arrest – When the phone rings late at night and you learn your child is under arrest or being questioned by the police – what do you do? This article contains practical advice on how to proceed.. First – Should You Retain A Colorado Juvenile Criminal Defense … Read The Rest

    Oct 29

    Colorado Juveniles Treated As Adults – Direct Filing Laws By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Juvenile Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer 2013 saw the Colorado state legislature taking back some of the power of Colorado District Attorney’s in the area of juvenile law description.  As a result of a perceived juvenile crime wave in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s – (something I remember well as I prosecuted one of the highest profile juvenile homicides at the … Read The Rest

    Aug 23

    By H. Michael Steinberg – Colorado Criminal Juvenile Defense Lawyer – Attorney New Research Bears On Whether Children Can Understand “Adult” Miranda Warnings Juvenile Miranda Warnings Under Colorado Law? – Under Colorado Juvenile Criminal Law – The Miranda warnings given to children as young as 11 – are the SAME warnings given to adult suspects about to be questioned A forensic psychologist by the name of Richard Rogers along with research conducted buy the    National Science … Read The Rest

    Aug 22

    By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Juvenile Criminal Lawyer Colorado Juveniles IN CUSTODY Have The Right To A Parent’s Presence At Questioning – 19-2-511. BUT Juveniles questioned OUT OF CUSTODY – DO NOT. It is widely believed – and I am often asked – if school authorities and or police officers can question their children without the parent’s permission or presence. The shocking answer is yes – they can. The answer is always  in the law – … Read The Rest

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