The concept behind this website is to provide concerned Colorado individuals with as much information as they might need to aid in understanding Colorado and Federal legal processes as regards Juvenile Based Offenses.

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H. MIchael Steinberg has over 30 years of Colorado Criminal Adult and Juvenile Law courtroom experience both prosecuting (13 years as a Colorado State Career Prosecutor for Douglas and Arapahoe Counties) and defending (followed by over 27 years as a Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer). Please feel free to call him right now... In forming his law firm in 1997 he brings ta liftetime of experience to the defense of his juvenile clients and their families and friends. There is no subsitute for experience..none.
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    Juvenile Community Review Board 19-2-210

    H. Michael Steinberg is both an experienced and a dedicated Colorado Juvenile Criminal Defense Attorney

    As a former Senior – Career Arapahoe – Douglas County District Attorney – in his13 years (1984 – 1997) years as a prosecutor – H. Michael was assigned to the prosecution of hundreds of juvenile prosecutions. As a Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer for the last 16 years (1997 – 2013) – he has successfully handled hundreds more juvenile cases.

    Juvenile criminal defense lawyers must be specialized in this area and must have specialized training and experience to be effective on behalf of their clients… essentially just children. Because Juvenile Court is different than adult court –  an experienced lawyer in adult may be incompetent to practice in juvenile court.

    Where your child’s freedom and future is at stake…go with experience every time.

    Here is the statute referenced in the article that linked you to this page:

    19-2-210. Juvenile community review board

    (1) A board of county commissioners or the city council of the city and county of Denver or more than one board of county commissioners may adopt a written resolution requiring approval by a juvenile community review board of residential community placements within its county of juveniles under commitment to the department of human services. Upon the effective date of such resolution and notice to the department of human services, no juvenile committed to the custody of the department of human services shall be placed into a residential community placement in that county or region unless and until such placement is approved by the juvenile community review board.

    (1.5) A juvenile community review board may be consolidated with other local advisory boards pursuant to section 24-1.7-103, C.R.S.

    (2) Notification of any placement of a juvenile under the jurisdiction of the juvenile parole board shall be made to the juvenile community review board prior to or at the time of placement.

    (3) (a) Prior to placement of a juvenile in a residential community placement, the juvenile community review board shall review the case file of the juvenile. It is the responsibility of the department of human services to provide accurate information regarding the juvenile and the proposed placement to the juvenile community review board. Such information shall include, but not be limited to, a history of delinquent adjudications, a social history, an educational history, a mental health treatment history, a drug and alcohol treatment history, and a summary of institutional progress. Each juvenile referred to the board shall be reviewed within fifteen days from the date the referral is received.

    (b) The board shall review the case file of the juvenile and make a decision regarding residential community placement, taking into consideration the results of the objective risk assessment by the department of human services, the needs of the juvenile, and the criteria established by the juvenile community review board based on the interests of the community. Objective risk criteria shall be established and maintained by the department of human services and shall be based upon researched factors that have been demonstrated to be correlative to risk to the community.

    (c) All names, addresses, and information regarding a juvenile reviewed by the juvenile community review board shall be confidential and not disclosed except to such board or its designees, the Colorado bureau of investigation, and any law enforcement agency, without express written permission of the juvenile and the legal custodian.

    Other Articles of Interest:

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    H. Michael Steinberg Esq.
    Attorney and Counselor at Law
    The Colorado Criminal Defense Law Firm of H. Michael Steinberg
    A Denver, Colorado Lawyer Focused Exclusively On
    Colorado Criminal Law For Over 40 Years.
    The Edward Building
    8400 East Prentice Ave, Penthouse 1500
    Greenwood Village, Colorado, 80111
    Primary Web Site:
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    Main:  303.627.7777
    Cell:  720.220.2277
    24/7 Pager:  303.543.4433
    FAX (Toll Free):  1.877.533.6276
    Always investigate a lawyer's qualifications and experience before making a
    decision to retain that lawyer or, for that matter, any professional any field.