Sentencing – Restitution by Juvenile 19-2-918
As a former Senior – Career Arapahoe – Douglas County District Attorney – in his13 years (1984 – 1997) years as a prosecutor – H. Michael was assigned to the prosecution of hundreds of juvenile prosecutions. As a Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer for the last 16 years (1997 – 2013) – he has successfully handled hundreds more juvenile cases.
Juvenile criminal defense lawyers must be specialized in this area and must have specialized training and experience to be effective on behalf of their clients… essentially just children. Because Juvenile Court is different than adult court – an experienced lawyer in adult may be incompetent to practice in juvenile court.
Where your child’s freedom and future is at stake…go with experience every time.
Here is the statute referenced in the article that linked you to this page:
19-2-918. Sentencing – restitution by juvenile
(1) If the court finds that a juvenile who receives a deferral of adjudication or who is adjudicated a juvenile delinquent has damaged the personal or real property of a victim, that the victim’s personal property has been lost, or that personal injury has been caused to a victim as a result of the juvenile’s delinquent act, the court, in addition to any other sentence or commitment that it may impose on the juvenile pursuant to section 19-2-907, shall enter a sentencing order requiring the juvenile to make restitution as required by article 18.5 of title 16 and part 6 of article 1.3 of title 18, C.R.S.
(2) Restitution shall be ordered to be paid in a reasonable manner, as determined by the court and in accordance with article 18.5 of title 16 and part 6 of article 1.3 of title 18, C.R.S